CWG January meeting is Thursday, January 16. Bring your CWG dues
Nancy Kilkenny will be presenting on “Turned Drafts”. This is a reenactment of the October program when the library’s power failed
We meet at 11:30 for social time. Bring your brown bag lunch.
Program begins at 12:00. We will meet in person. Additionally ZOOM details are provided below.
Meeting to follow the program.
Meet us at Warrensville Heights Library
4415 Northfield Road, Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Bring your CWG dues.
CWG Holiday Potluck Luncheon is Thursday, December 19
CWG Winter newsletter is now posted on CWG website
The Winter newsletter is now posted. Find it under the MEMBERS tab, then Newsletter Archive.
Winter CWG newsletter deadline is approaching—Sunday, December 1
Winter newsletter deadline is really coming–December 1. Hopefully this Holiday week will allow a thought or two about a submission. Maybe consider it a form of Thanksgiving ‘leftover’ once the dust has settled?
Please send newsletter materials, especially items of autumn’s doings and program notes for the upcoming CWG year. A President’s letter, program notes, study group reveries, and member’s profile will all be welcome.
No doubt that photos of your projects, a new technique or yarn you are trying, or a weaving reference book you have discovered will be welcome. Or even an essay about your weaving adventures, discoveries, or compatriots. Perhaps a quandary that you would like help with.
In earlier discussions about the foibles of our weaving work might fit into a new column based on Penelope’s weaving tactics——you know, the part where she weaves and unweaves. We all have stories about our version so please send yours.
Contribute directly to Nancy or to
Cancelation of CWG field trip
CWG Programs for February and March
CWG November meeting–a survey of interest
Hi All
I got through to speak to someone at the coverlet museum today.
CWG October meeting is Thursday, October 17
Nancy Kilkenny will be presenting on “Turned Drafts”.
We meet at 11:30 for social time. Bring your brown bag lunch.
Program begins at 12:00.
Meeting to follow the program.
Meet us at Warrensville Heights Library
4415 Northfield Road, Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
CWG Fall newsletter is now posted on CWG website
The Fall newsletter is now posted. Find it under the MEMBERS tab, then Newsletter Archive.