Update from Program Chair, Lynne Kilgore: Due to under-subscription the workshops and lecture with Joanne Tallarovic had to be cancelled.
This October, the Cuyahoga Weavers Guild will host a 3-day workshop with Joanne Tallorovic, author of Rep Weave and Beyond.
Workshop title: New Rep Weave: Design, Theory and Techniques of 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Block.
Description: This round-robin workshop is for weavers of all levels and expands and supplements the material in Joanne’s book. The workshop will cover all new projects that will inspire your creative spirit and take a new and different approach to an old technique.
Using the theory and technique of Scandinavian rep weave (also called Swedish ripsmatta), each workshop participant will create a notebook of new designs woven as 2-block on 2- or 4-shaft looms, 3-block woven on 4- and 8-shafts looms, 4-block woven on 4- and 8-shaft looms and 8-block woven on 8-shaft looms.
Experience level: This is an excellent workshop for beginning through advanced weavers. Knowledge of profile and block drafts is helpful; however, all drafts and drafting procedures will be covered in class.
Materials and instructions: Joanne will furnish worksheets, warping instructions and other important information six weeks prior to the workshop, and looms must be dressed and ready for weaving the first morning. Threading patterns are established by the worksheet; however, each student will design the treadling pattern as they weave each sample. Students are encouraged to use a variety of solid and printed fabrics in order to achieve effects beyond those normally associated with ripsmatta.
Each student will receive a notebook of new weave drafts used in the workshop. If you have a copy of Rep Weave and Beyond, please bring it to class as the book is out-of-print and no copies will be available for sale. The workshop follows all procedures detailed in the book, which can be used as a textbook.
The width of warp will be 12” in the reed. The warp is 8/4 cotton carpet warp, and the weft is cotton fabric cut into 1” wide strips with the grain. Both solids and patterned fabrics will work, and Joanne suggests using both.
Registration: Because workshop size is limited to 12 people, there will be two sessions of the same workshop:
Session 1: Friday, October 21st through Sunday, October 23rd, 9 am – 4 pm, Hamlet Village Club House, 200 Hamlet Hills Drive, Chagrin Falls, OH
Session 2: Wednesday, October 26th through Friday October 28th, 9 am – 4 pm, The Church of the Savior, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH
Fee: $150 for members, $165 for non-members. $75 received by July 29th reserves your space. Balance is due September 30th. Send checks made payable to Cuyahoga Weavers Guild. Mailing address for checks will be emailed to you after submission of the online registration form:
Questions can be directed to: Lynne Killgore at killgoremichel@oh.rr.com.
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