The Cuyahoga Weavers Guild is delighted to bring Ruby Leslie back to Ohio again for another workshop. Ruby’s last workshop with our guild in 2010, 50 ways to weave your color, was a big hit, and we are looking forward to seeing Ruby again.
Dates: Thursday, April 19 through Saturday, April 21, 2012
Workshop title: The 3 Ds of 3-D: Deflection, Differential Shrinkage and Doubleweave
Description: Using a layman’s approach to color theory and myriad weave structures, subtle to amazing transformations can occur in woven cloth if you understand how to control the variables of fiber, yarn grist, weave structures and finishing techniques. Explore a variety of weave structures producing ruffles, ridges, waffles, crinkles, innies and outies while weaving on pre-warped looms (with custom-wound warp chains provided by Ruby).
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Location: Orange Branch, Cuyahoga County Public Library, 31300 Chagrin Boulevard Pepper Pike, Ohio 44124.
Cost: $165 for CWG members, $170 for non-members ($85 deposit due by February 16, 2012) + materials fee of $75
Materials: Warps will be provided by the instructor prior to the workshop (by mail, shipped to your home) and participants are expected to arrive the morning of Day 1 with their looms warped and ready to weave. Weft will be provided. Workshop will be a round robin style.
Experience level: Must know how to read and follow a treadling draft, warp your own loom (with or without help) prior to class, and weave on a floor loom.
Register: Please complete the online registration form found here. Send checks made payable to Cuyahoga Weavers Guild. Mailing address for checks will be emailed to you after submission of the online registration form. 4 3 2 spots remaining.
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