Jan Gibson, past president of Art Essence Gallery and member of the Western Reserve Spinners and Weavers Guild, will be giving a talk at Lake Metroparks‘ Environmental Learning Center, 7250 Alexander Road, Concord Township, OH 44077 on September 19th, 2012, in the Eco Café at 7 pm.
Jan will lead a discussion on felting, one of the world’s oldest textile-making techniques. She will discuss the process from sheep to felt, including shearing, washing, carding and coloring. Jan will also have samples of many felted items available to show.
An entertaining documentary, On Gentle Threads, by Hungarian artist Judit Pocs that tells the story of felt making from utilitarian use to art form, will also be shown. The film is rumored to be educational, delightful and engaging (so we hear from our neighboring guild).
This program is free and open to the public. Refreshments are served and registration is required. Call 440-354-0894 to register.
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