I will! Some of us are members of both the Cuyahoga and the Western Reserve Spinners and Weavers guilds. WRSW is one of the “resident” guilds at Woolfest. Come visit the WRSW guild booth in the Arena, or see our History of Weaving exhibit and watch an infomative video or two in the main theater. There is also a Fiber art show that is open for entries from all kinds of fiber disciplines. You don’t have to be a resident of Lake Co. – registration is open to all! Find out more at the Woolfest link that Darcy posted, above!
I will! Some of us are members of both the Cuyahoga and the Western Reserve Spinners and Weavers guilds. WRSW is one of the “resident” guilds at Woolfest. Come visit the WRSW guild booth in the Arena, or see our History of Weaving exhibit and watch an infomative video or two in the main theater. There is also a Fiber art show that is open for entries from all kinds of fiber disciplines. You don’t have to be a resident of Lake Co. – registration is open to all! Find out more at the Woolfest link that Darcy posted, above!