This Thursday, April 23rd, at our April meeting, Barb Wainright from Rochester, NY, will present a lecture on “Let’s Not Call It Honeycomb” at the usual time – 11:30 am for lunch with a short business meeting at noon, lecture afterwards, and done by 2 pm.
If you are interested in joining the workshop and your schedule has freed up at the last minute there is still room to join us. This is a stash friendly workshop so materials will be inexpensive and easy to find and/or swap amongst ourselves.
Our workshop will start immediately after the Guild meeting, and we are trying a schedule that is a little different to try and accommodate people’s work schedules:
Thursday, April 23rd: from end of Guild meeting until around 5:00 pm-ish then going to supper (optional)
Friday, April 24th: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm and
Saturday, April 25th: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Barb’s description of the workshop:
Given the right sett and materials honeycomb can produce tailored, deeply textured fabrics suited to many purposes, even clothing. Fabrics of surprising complexity are possible on only four shafts. Using woven examples we will examine the effects of threading, yarn, sett, and beat in developing texture. We will also consider use of color with this structure. Like all deflected-weft weaves, honeycomb needs wet-finishing to blossom but results can be hard to predict. The samples you create will help you plan future projects with confidence.
More information on Barb’s work can be seen in Handwoven, September-October 2007, page 52 and Interweave Press e-book, Best of Handwoven: Honeycomb Technique Series, which includes her Honeycomb laptop case project. We also have materials in our library about the weaves Barb will be teaching.
We are also trying something new with a limited round robin where each weaver creates samples for herself on only four looms with representative threadings of the entire workshop.
Cost will be $50 per person ($60 for non-CWG members).
If you want to join the workshop, please contact Lynne Killgore.
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