EGLFC 2017 Update:
Many Hands Make Light Work
Already many people had volunteered to help make EGLFC 2017 a success, several of them with experience from working on previous conferences. They are used to working across distances, as EGLFC committees have done in recent years. They have an ample treasury to cover reservations and other expenses for the October 6-9, 2017 event.
Two key positions remain unfilled, Chair and Treasurer. Without people in these jobs the Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference will not happen. Other areas, including publicity, could use additional volunteers.
October 2017 may seem far off but great teachers book far in advance. The committee must begin work soon. Please consider the opportunities this conference offers for you to shine — as well as those it offers for area fiber artists to study locally with nationally-known teachers — and step up to help make EGLFC 2017 a reality.
Feel free to contact me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Peg Houseman
EGLFC 2015 Chair, 716-648-2987
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