EGLFC 2017 is at Risk
Volunteers make our beloved regional fiber conference happen. Unfortunately,
volunteers have not stepped forward to fill crucial roles for the 2017 event.
Good teachers and venues book far in advance. Unless a committee begins work
soon, there will be no conference.
EGLFC 2017 has the treasury to bring in top-notch instructors, but so far no
program chairs to select them or treasurer to pay them. It has volunteers for
important jobs such as registrar and website, but so far no person willing to
coordinate them all.
If you value our regional conference — big enough to bring in excellent
teachers yet small enough to get to know them — please consider what you are
willing to do to help it continue. To volunteer or ask any questions you may
have, please contact 2015 chair Peg Houseman at 716-648-2987 or Thank you!
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