Peninsula Art Academy 13th Annual Fiber Art Show July 30-August 26, 2016 during library hours
The Peninsula Art Academy’s Fiber Café Studio is pleased to announce the 13th annual Juried Fiber Arts Show to be held at the Peninsula Library from July 30 through August 26. Artists are invited to enter their work in the show, open to all area fiber artists. Welcoming variety, there will be categories for both functional and non-functional works. Prizes will be awarded. There is a $25 entry fee for members ($30 for non-members) for up to three works per artist. Entry fees need to be received no later than July 27 to: Peninsula Art Academy, PO Box 171, Peninsula, OH 44264. Art works should be delivered to The Peninsula Library during library hours July 20-July 27. For information and an entry form call: 330-657-2681 or visit the PAA website for an online registration form An open house reception will be held from 12-2p.m. on Saturday, July 30. Work from accepted artists will travel to The Peninsula Art Academy to reopen September 3-Oct 2. Artists may choose to have their work travel or not. Please let us know on the entry form.
Entry Information and Entry Form
Entry: Artwork should be delivered to the library from Wed., July 20th to Wed., July 27th(by 5PM), between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm (Mon. – Thur.) and 9 AM to 4 PM (Fri. and Sat.). Note: the library is closed on Sundays.
Entry Fee: For 3 pieces or less: $30.00 for non-members and $25.00 for members of the Fiber Café/PAA. For 4 or 5 pieces: $45.00 for non-members and $35.00 for members. (Membership in The Peninsula Fiber Café/PAA is $ 50.00 per year). ). Jurying will occur on Wednesday, July 27th. Notification (if not accepted) will be made by phone after work is juried. Please use this form when submitting pieces and making payments. Payment may be made to the Peninsula Art Academy (please do not leave payment at the library). You may bring entry fee to Peninsula Art Academy between 11 am and 5 pm, Wed. – Sun., or call to make arrangements (numbers below). . You may also use this form to send entry fee payable to the Peninsula Art Academy, 1600 West Mill St., Peninsula, OH 44264 by July 27th.
Artwork: Entries may be for sale (a 30% commission will be assessed, 20% for Fiber Café or Art Academy members). Artwork must be identified on the back with artist’s name, phone title, and value. Two-D work must be securely wired for hanging. Work must remain until the show ends.
Categories: Fine Art (non-functional category) and Clothing, Accessories, and Household Items (functional category) will be judged. Jurors reserve the right to adjust entrant categories.
Awards: There will be awards in two categories, for best fine art and for best utilitarian art. Award levels are $75 for first place, $50 for second and $25 for third place in each of the two categories.
Return of work: All work not juried into the show must be picked up prior to the opening or entrants must make arrangements with Carol Adams. Neither The Peninsula Art Academy nor the Peninsula Library will be responsible for work left at the library. Library hours are Mon. –Thur. 9AM to 8PM.and Fri.- Sat 9AM-5PM.
Opening: The opening reception will take place on Saturday, July 30 from 12-2 PM.
Questions? Call Carol Adams at 330-657-2681 or leave a message at PAA 330-657-2248.
ARTIST : _________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS : _________________________________________________________________________
CITY : ___________________________________ STATE: __________ ZIP: ______________
PHONE(S) : ________________________________ E-MAIL:________________________________
For Café Use |
Waiver of responsibility: Fiber Café, The Peninsula Art Academy and The Peninsula Library and Historical Society advise the artists to insure their work. While all work will be handled with the utmost care, the above-mentioned entities do not assume responsibility for submitted works. The undersigned artist agrees to the terms of the exhibit and the waiver of responsibility.
ARTIST’S SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________
FEE PAID ¨ MEMBER ¨ Please print 2 copies. Attach one to artwork and other with payment. Do you wish your work to travel to The Peninsula Art Academy? Yes No circle one please.
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