April 20, Thursday
Mayfield branch of the
Cuyahoga County
Mayfield Heights 44143
Presentation by Hildur Asgeirsdottir Jonsson internationally acclaimed
Icelandic fiber artist.
11:30 am for brown bag lunch
12:30 am for meeting and program
Loom for sale. CWG received this request to post the sale of this loom,
a nearby opportunity for a newish and quality loom.
Mimi, the contact for this sale writes
“Thank you so much for your response. I have attached photos of the loom.
I believe you will agree that it is gorgeous. I understand that it cost
over $1000 when new. The people who are donating it take very good care of things. We will be picking it up on Saturday, April 22nd which is the first day for donations to our Trinkets ‘n Treasures rummage sale. The sale
itself will start on Wednesday night, April 26th from 5:30 to 8:00, $10
admission. The sale continues Thursday and Friday from 11 to 5 and Saturday until 12:30. The sale will take place at The Federated Church Family Life Center, 16349 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023. I am not sure when on the 22nd the loom will arrive at the Family Life Center. It can be viewed there on Sunday, April 23rd from 11 to 4 and on Monday and Tuesday, 9 to 5, and Wednesday from 9 to noon.
We are hoping that it will find a good home. Thank you for your help in
publicizing this opportunity.”
Mimi Bathgate
440-338-8773 (home)
440-665-6903 (cell)
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