Hi Weavers,
We are but a couple weeks away from our hanging of a show in Chagrin Falls. Here are some guidelines to make that exciting and successful.
Bring items to be hung to:
May 2nd. Study Group at Jessie’s house
May 16th Guild meeting at Praxis
Or contact me directly to make arrangements individually
I will return your items to you at the June 20th. meeting of the Guild.
The show will be hanging from Thursday, May 23 to Monday, June 10.
Hanging will be at 10:00 am, May 21, 2019
Chagrin Arts Gallery Space between Huntington Bank and Bell & Flower Restaurant
Parking will be not only difficult, but a mess because of the carnival being set-up for the holiday weekend.
We need you to sign up to help demonstrate at the show. We will have a loom there for your imagination.
Here are the times for demonstrations:
Please email me or call me to sign up for a 2 hour shift. I really need your help! Please !
for contact information, please consult our Guild roster
You will need the following information on each of your entries in the show:
1. Item description (example, Twill place mat)
2. Yarn used (example, cotton)
3. Your Name
4. Your city
5. Price or NFS
6. Value for insurance if NFS
Thank you all so much. This should be a great opportunity to have our Weavers Guild in the community.
Hi, Leigh,
Just checking in to see if your got the information you needed. Did Patty H contact you regarding the show? Too bad that will miss our May 16 meeting and field trip to Praxis.
Hope to meet you before too long/
I am new to the Guild…and to your posts.
I am presently in Florida and only return to Chagrin Falls 19th May.
This show sounds interesting and I am sorry to miss it.
If you go to my website…Leighbennett.com…you will see the type of “free form” weaving I do. I also make my own frames/looms..
I could demonstrate this …if you would have any interest?!?!
My work is both large 4′ indiameter or on an 8×10 frame. I can be reached by cell…440-552-8578
thank you and look fwd to getting involved with your organization.
Where is 88 N. Main Street?