Announcing the WRSW 2020 Spring Weaving workshop – Yer Granny’s Overshot at Lake Metroparks Farmpark. Please see attached flyer. As of 11/1/19 we have only 2 spaces left in this exciting workshop. Please contact WRSW Workshop Chairman Nancy Curtiss for availability. 330.995.3811or . We will also have a wait list.
Now open to non-WRSW members as of November 1!
Yer Granny’s Overshot – with Janet Dawson – March 28 & 29, 2020
This round robin workshop will cover overshot basics like identifying blocks, tromp-as-writ, star vs. rose fashion, and opposites. With that foundation, we’ll move beyond traditional patterns and treadling to variations like Italian, flamepoint, swivel, petit point, shadow, treadled as lace, and more. If time allows, we’ll also look at name drafting and other methods of designing original overshot patterns for four shafts.
The cost of our comprehensive overshot workshop includes pre-wound warps and weft, as well as substantial handouts.
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