Either the year 2021 or the year 2020 we had an end-of-the-year meeting I believe at Patty Hridel‘s house. I brought a weaving supply piece that I had purchased at an estate sale and never used because I didn’t understand what it was. I think someone took it and said that they would donate it to praxis. It was not Debby Silver or Joanie Horwich because I already spoke to them. Anyways this late in the game I would really love it back. I don’t know what it’s called, but it was about 5 feet tall and may be 12 inches wide, all wood, and it kind of works as a yarn spindle I think. Perhaps if I pushed it down I would’ve realized that it was some type of yarn spindle, but I always left it upright not knowing what it was. I truly hope that one of you have this item or can contact praxis if it was donated. I am having a hard time winding a very long warps by myself. I just went to Holland Michigan for the Michigan League of hand weavers conference and another Weaver told me that that’s what I need! So please help me in finding this lost item. I’d really appreciate it.
Leslie Alperin
(216) 299-0676
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