Please send newsletter materials, especially items of our doings and program notes for the CWG spring season.
No doubt that photos of your projects, a new technique or yarn you are trying, or a weaving reference book you have discovered will be welcome. Or even an essay about your weaving adventures, discoveries, or compatriots. Perhaps a quandary that you would like help with.
If you find weaving foibles showing up, send something for our column based on Penelope’s weaving tactics——you know, the part where she weaves and unweaves. We all have stories about our version, so please send yours.
We are continuing our spotlight biographies of our members. It would be lovely if profiles of our newest members were included. Consider writing this up.
Please consider sharing about your favorite weaving books–your trusted standbys and new-to-you inspiring titles.
submit to: newsletter@cuyahogaweaversguild
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