October meeting program: Thursday, October 19th
Lunch & social time: 11:30. Program at 12:00 followed by business meeting.
Cuyahoga County Warrensville branch Library
If you cannot attend in person, Zoom link will be sent in email.
Also, for those who are participating in the Study Group this year, please bring your stash to share and exchange. You can then add to what you will use or get a selection to use. We are continuing the yarn selection for those who missed the first Study Group.
Denise Kovnat Lecture and Power Point
Dorset Buttons: A Heritage Craft
Dorset buttons, designated in England as a “Heritage Craft,” continue to delight fiber artists today as colorful, whimsical embellishments for jewelry, surface-design and fasteners for handmade clothing. The variations are limitless and they can be created anywhere using only curtain rings, a tapestry needle and yarn (and beads if you choose). Further, you can customize these buttons to match your own creations, using yarns from your stash.
Dorset buttons have been around for centuries, beginning in the 17th century as a cottage industry in County Dorset on the English Channel. Come hear the history of these lovely designs, viewing lots of inspirational photos along the way, and learn how to make them on your own.
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