After looking at the weather forecast for our field trip to the American Coverlet Museum, we will be rescheduling for sometime in the spring.
I think we could get there is good shape, but coming home in the dark through the Allegheny mountains with wind and snow is not something I want to attempt. Jean and I take that route when we visit our son and his family in Virginia.
Aside from my seeing the coverlets now on display, part of what I had been looking forward was seeing how each of you responded when you saw them. I do hope that we can reschedule the trip and have a good turnout.
I realize that this means we will not have a Guild meeting in November, but we did have a very productive study group earlier this month, and we are all lined up for our Holiday Luncheon on Thursday December 19 at Jessie Adler’s house, starting at 11:30. Please bring a dish to share, and any show and tell you may have.
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