No one signed up to host the study group for March, so the March study group meeting is cancelled, but we encourage everyone to be busy at their looms preparing for our show at the library in May. If this isn’t the perfect weather to stay home and weave, I don’t know what is. Happy weaving!
May show details
- Month of April, 2015— Please bring any items you want to put in the show to any of our meetings, study group , our workshop or the regularly scheduled meeting on April 23rd. Please have them labeled with the following:
- Your Name, city where you live, title of the piece, weave structure, kind of yarn or materials used, value for insurance, and if it is for sale, price.
- If for some reason you are not able to attend any of the meetings, please contact Patty to make arrangements for pick up.
- Everything must be to Patty by Monday, April 27th, PLEASE!
- We will hang the show on Friday, May 1st, 2015 beginning at 12:30 pm until 5:00 pm. We must adhere to these times as the room is scheduled for various other meetings and activities.
- Any last minute primping can be done on Saturday, May 2nd between 9:00 am and 12 noon.
- Reception, Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 2:00 – 4:00 pm. Please bring a contribution to our snacks and goodies table by 1:30 pm.
- Special Note: Our regularly scheduled meeting on May 21st, 2015, 11:30 am, will be in the meeting room with our show.
- Take down will be Saturday, May 30th, 10:00 am. If you can collect your items at that time, wonderful. Otherwise, Patty will take them and distribute them at our regularly scheduled meetings in June.
Read a Rope at the Lee Road library
NCKG’s Not-just-for-knitters Knit-Out event, October 26th
The Northcoast Knitting Guild hosts a Knit-Out on Sunday, October 26th, 2014, in both the resource room and the large meeting room for overflow at the Mayfield Branch of Cuyahoga County Public Library, 500 SOM Center Road, Mayfield, Ohio 44143. Just turn right when you enter into the library foyer.
Bring your favorite projects, share and schmooze.
Bring us your problem projects, and we will be happy to help. Last year’s participants included Knitting for Peace and the Western Reserve Spinner’s Guild.
As always, people of all ages and expertise levels are encouraged to participate. Yes, we do teach children. This event is free and open to all.
For additional information, please contact Miriam Rosenblatt.
Reminder: NCKG’s Knit-Out this Sunday
Miriam Rosenblatt of the North Coast Knitting Guild writes:
The Northcoast Knitting Guild is hosting an event to Knit out … crochet … spin and your favorite fiber art on Sunday, February 23rd, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Mayfield branch of the Cuyahoga County Public Library, 500 SOM Center Road, Mayfield, OH, in the Resource Room and large meeting room on the right from the lobby.
Bring your projects, get help, just sit and knit (or bring your favorite fiber arts project). The event is free and open to all levels. For more information, contact Miriam.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Sign up for Beading workshop by Thursday, February 13th
Victoria will need a count for putting together the kits for the Beading workshop by this Thursday, February 13th, so that she has time to get the materials and assemble the kits. If you wanted to take the workshop but haven’t signed up yet, please contact Patty by end of business on February 13th. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Ohio Knitting Mills crowdfunding campaign
Remember our fun field trip to Ohio Knitting Mills last November? If you missed it, check out this lovely video made by Steven Tatar, who was our host.
And if you want to give money to the campaign, here are all the details about that.
Beading workshop with Victoria, February 20th
Our February 2014 program is a one-day workshop in beading. We will be under the guidance of our own Victoria, an accomplished beader as we all know. We will gather by 9:30 am, February 20th, at the Church of the Saviour, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Please be prepared to begin at 9:30 am. The instructions will begin promptly. If you feel you would like an extra light or magnifying glasses, please bring them. It will be very useful if we listen carefully to the instructions with no interruptions as Victoria gives them.
The cost for each participant will be $50, which will cover the kit Victoria will make. Non-guild members are welcome to participate at $75. We will finish a pin in a labyrinth design by days end. There will be a lunch break at the normal 11:30 am time and a short meeting. We welcome all guild members to come to the meeting and see what we are doing.
Please sign up by contacting Patty. We will collect the fees on the workshop date. Cutoff date for signing up is February 13th.
Thank you in advance to Victoria for her willingness to help us learn another aspect of weaving.
Western Reserve guild hosts Amy Tyler workshop April 2014
Amy Tyler is going to be teaching two spinning workshops at the Western Reserve Guild April 26th and 27th. Get all the details here.
CMA field trip photo and draw loom video link
Here’s the group pictured at the Cleveland Museum of Art after our wonderful tour of the Islamic textiles exhibit with Louise Mackie. I was there, too, taking the photo.
Louise showed us a short video of a draw loom and told us all about the beautiful things on display in the textile gallery right now. If you missed the tour, the gallery is still well worth a visit, and a new set of textiles will go up later this year in honor of the publication of Louise’s upcoming book.