Apparently it’s been Handweavers Guild of America’s annual Spinning and Weaving Week all week. I didn’t know! There’s still time to celebrate. What will you spin or weave today?
Home study report for October
We were a smaller group than usual this month, but we had a great time. If you couldn’t be there, read on to find out what you missed.
Our hostess Patty presented:
- a beautiful tencel scarf that she wove, magenta and green warp with a taupe weft in undulating point draft 2/2 twill pattern taken from Handweaver’s Pattern Book, with some bonus tips about how to protect delicate fabric with long floats as it winds onto the cloth beam
- ceinture fléchée bracelets based on the voyageur bracelets she saw on her trip to Canada (post forthcoming)
- and a color gamp that is also a twill pattern gamp that she made for the 2007 home study group
Parlin shared
- a report on her recent trip to Massachusetts, which included visits to WEBS and also Vavstuga, where Susan Conover gave her a tour
- two twill samplers she made in classes with Susan Conover in 2000 and 2001 (60 different twills!)
- a luscisous V-neck origami blouse she wove from silk as an experiment last winter (verdict: the experiment was a success as she already has a commission to make another one just like it for a friend)
- photos of a twill baby blanket she wove in acrylic from Yarn Barn kit
Debbie asked about dyeing with black walnuts (I didn’t hear all of that conversation, but Victoria’s tips included instructions to drive over them with your car to get the husks off) and doup threads. Debbie, is this what you were talking about?
Nora got some spinning done.
Victoria passed around her beautiful peyote stitch beaded medallion based on her own pattern of repeating triangles and brought a selection of twill reference books and design collections from the library for inspiration.
Lynne shared a collection of scarves she’s been knitting for relatives while traveling over the summer.
And I flashed everyone the bra I sewed at Boob Camp in Canada this summer (no photo of that for obvious reasons!). You can read more about that class and even see my (non-flashing) picture in the article written about the school in the Globe and Mail (I’m the fuzzy one in the foreground).
The sign up sheet for hosting this year’s home study meetings went around, and the meeting locations for the year have been settled. See you next month!
Loom for sale at auction
Another road trip opportunity has come our way.
Connie McKane writes:
My grandfather made a loom for my grandmother in approximately 1960. It is a 4-harness barn-style floor loom that is still assembled and in good working condition. It has not been used for the past 15-20 years but still is in great condition except for dust. The loom will be sold as part of the auction of my father’s home. If anyone comes to the sale, have them ask for me!
The auction will be held at 260 Thelma Drive, Saxonburg, PA and will begin at 9 am, Saturday October 1st.
The auctioned will be conducted by Mark Barkley of Zelienople, PA (click link for map and additional pictures).
Interested parties are welcome to contact Connie directly (connym57 AT gmail DOT com).
September meeting location change
Please note: Instead of the usual Calvary Hall of Church of the Savior, the September meeting will be held in the Church’s Great Hall. Enter at the southeast entrance (closer to E. Monmouth, door is on the rear of the building, to the left of the usual door), the Great Hall is straight ahead.
Fiber auction this Wednesday in North East, PA
A not-so-nearby weaving shop is going out of business and holding an auction this week. If you’re in the market for some new toys or fiber and feel like going on a little road trip, it sounds like a lovely day.
Where: 10675 West Law Road, North East, PA 16428
When: 4 pm, Wednesday August 17th
What: A few 30#+ bags of mohair, many 1# bags, some fleeces, carded wool, two spinning wheels, 1 LeClerc 45” 12 harness loom with 2 back beams, benches, bobbin racks, LOTS of thread, yarn, shuttles, heddles, reeds, a few drop spindles, benches, Artisat and Dorothy 4 – 8 harness conversion kits and more.
If you plan to go, feel free to use the comments below to arrange a ride share, or if you attend and want to crow about any loot you score, please share that in the comments as well.
60″ LeClerc Colonial loom for sale
This loom is still for sale!
60-inch LeClerc Colonial jack loom, 8 shafts, 10 treadles, with bench. Excellent condition. $1900. Location: Cleveland, OH. Click for print friendly page.
Contact Nora Eason at 440-543-7058 or
Rep weave workshop with Joanne Tallarovic
Update from Program Chair, Lynne Kilgore: Due to under-subscription the workshops and lecture with Joanne Tallarovic had to be cancelled.
This October, the Cuyahoga Weavers Guild will host a 3-day workshop with Joanne Tallorovic, author of Rep Weave and Beyond.
Workshop title: New Rep Weave: Design, Theory and Techniques of 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Block.
Description: This round-robin workshop is for weavers of all levels and expands and supplements the material in Joanne’s book. The workshop will cover all new projects that will inspire your creative spirit and take a new and different approach to an old technique.
Using the theory and technique of Scandinavian rep weave (also called Swedish ripsmatta), each workshop participant will create a notebook of new designs woven as 2-block on 2- or 4-shaft looms, 3-block woven on 4- and 8-shafts looms, 4-block woven on 4- and 8-shaft looms and 8-block woven on 8-shaft looms.
Experience level: This is an excellent workshop for beginning through advanced weavers. Knowledge of profile and block drafts is helpful; however, all drafts and drafting procedures will be covered in class.
Materials and instructions: Joanne will furnish worksheets, warping instructions and other important information six weeks prior to the workshop, and looms must be dressed and ready for weaving the first morning. Threading patterns are established by the worksheet; however, each student will design the treadling pattern as they weave each sample. Students are encouraged to use a variety of solid and printed fabrics in order to achieve effects beyond those normally associated with ripsmatta.
Each student will receive a notebook of new weave drafts used in the workshop. If you have a copy of Rep Weave and Beyond, please bring it to class as the book is out-of-print and no copies will be available for sale. The workshop follows all procedures detailed in the book, which can be used as a textbook.
The width of warp will be 12” in the reed. The warp is 8/4 cotton carpet warp, and the weft is cotton fabric cut into 1” wide strips with the grain. Both solids and patterned fabrics will work, and Joanne suggests using both.
Registration: Because workshop size is limited to 12 people, there will be two sessions of the same workshop:
Session 1: Friday, October 21st through Sunday, October 23rd, 9 am – 4 pm, Hamlet Village Club House, 200 Hamlet Hills Drive, Chagrin Falls, OH
Session 2: Wednesday, October 26th through Friday October 28th, 9 am – 4 pm, The Church of the Savior, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH
Fee: $150 for members, $165 for non-members. $75 received by July 29th reserves your space. Balance is due September 30th. Send checks made payable to Cuyahoga Weavers Guild. Mailing address for checks will be emailed to you after submission of the online registration form:
Questions can be directed to: Lynne Killgore at
Crossword puzzle answers
Loom for sale
For sale: Glimakra Victoria 8-shaft table loom on stand, 26″ weaving width. Includes 10-dent reed, 500 Texsolv heddles, lease sticks, 2 stick shuttles, and a copy of Deborah Chandler’s Learning to Weave.
Glimakra no longer makes the 8-shaft Victoria. A 4-shaft model sells for $874 new plus $180 for the stand. Asking $700 or best offer. Pick-up only in Northeast Ohio or Pittsburgh, PA.
Email Kathy at arvoto [AT] embarqmail [DOT] com for more information.
Annual Sale: Saturday May 22nd
Cuyahoga Weavers Guild hosts its annual sale this weekend.
Saturday, May 22nd
9 am to 4 pm
2980 Washington Blvd., Cleveland Heights, OH
- Weaving equipment and supplies (looms, reeds, shuttles, bobbins, etc.)
- Yarn (lots of it, all kinds of fibers, for both knitting and weaving)
- Hand woven items (rugs, pillows, placemats and more)
- Many miscellaneous tools and treasures (paint brushes, beads, etc.).
This sale is one you don’t want to miss!
The Puppetry Guild of NE Ohio is also hosting its annual sale at the same time and place, so there will be even more cool stuff available.
Come early and shop ’til you drop! See you there!