CWG Picnic and Pot Luck
Rescheduled Picnic and Pot Luck is on for Thursday, July 14
Cancellation announcement!!!
CWG’s picnic of Thursday, June 16 is cancelled due to weather conditions.
Rescheduling is in process.
Apologies for any and all inconveniences.
CWG picnic and archive share is Thursday, June 16
Bring a dish (completely free choice) with serving ware to share, and your place setting.
Meet at:
The location of the picnic next month is Harper Ridge Picnic Area
It’s located in Solon on Hawthorn Parkway between SOM (91) and Harper Road, which has an exit off 422. JoEllen can help with further directions.
CWG meeting is Thursday, May 19
The owner of Ditto House will bring weavings from South America, etc. Potentially, available for sale.
Business meeting and elections.
We meet at Warrensville Heights County Library
4415 Northfield Road • Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Phone 216.464.5280
- The usual social gathering with brown bag lunch isn’t possible. The library is not allowing food or drink at this time.
CWG meeting is Thursday, April 21
Kathy Kobyljanec will be telling us her story from how she became interested in weaving to now selling on Etsy.
We meet at Warrensville Heights County Library
4415 Northfield Road • Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Phone 216.464.5280
- The usual social gathering with brown bag lunch isn’t possible. The library is not allowing food or drink at this time.
CWG meeting is Thursday, March 17
Victoria will be showing her weavings from Peru and Bolivia. If anyone else has anything from these places feel free to bring them.
Also, Elly Rose’s yarn collection is making an appearance. Plan on taking some.
We meet at Warrensville Heights County Library
4415 Northfield Road • Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Phone 216.464.5280
- The usual social gathering with brown bag lunch isn’t possible. The library is not allowing food or drink at this time.
CWG Spring schedule Updated, with Zoom option March – May
Whoops! February meeting is in-person and
February 17 meeting will be at the Warrensville County Library AND on Zoom.
The program is World Apparel Day: Bring your costumes, clothes from around the world to wonder and share and show off their history.
Zoom details were sent earlier, if you prefer to attend that way.
Otherwise meet us at the library at 12:00 – 2:30.
Please note that masks are required. Food and drink are disallowed.
4415 Northfield Road • Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Phone 216.464.5280