Please join us via Zoom at 11:30 am.
Zoom link information will come via emaildodo.
Contact if you’d like to visit the meeting as a non-member.
Weaving and other fiber-based fun for 45 years and counting
Please join us via Zoom at 11:30 am.
Zoom link information will come via emaildodo.
Contact if you’d like to visit the meeting as a non-member.
Details of the November program scheduled for Thursday, November 19 are forthcoming.
Program and Zoom information will come shortly.
What can a wedding gown, liberally decorated and lovingly patched and repaired, tell us about the culture, values, and artisans from which it emerged? In this CLAD session, join host Key Jo Lee and curator of Korean art Sooa McCormick for a guided look at an intricately embroidered garment from the CMA’s permanent collection, currently on view in the exhibition Gold Needles: Embroidery Arts from Korea.
A note about visiting in person:
The Zoom meeting is Thursday, September 24.
Not October 25.
Here are the election results for officers for the 2020-2021 season. Thanks for voting.
President- Roberta Jones-Shafer
Secretary- Joan Horwich
Treasurer- Jean Jackson
Newsletter- Nancy Allman
Membership- Victoria Johnson-Parratt
Librarian- Victoria Johnson-Parratt
Card Correspondent- Ele Richardson
Webmistress- Victoria ??or TBA
Hospitality- Sarah Berg / Elfriede Heaney
Programs- Patty Hridell and Victoria Johnson-Parratt
Suspension of dues until the COVID situation change was approved.
A Zoom meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday October 25 at 11:30 am. Keep an eye out for an emailed invitation to join us.
Dear Weavers
The summer is nearly over , and the new weaving year is supposed to start in September. This has been a strange summer for us all. There has been a lot of anxiety, worry and stress, but I hope you and your family are well. The inability to make plans has driven most of us crazy. We like plans – even if they have to be changed!
There are no fixed dates or plans for the weavers guild. We will resume our meetings when the libraries allow us to gather again in groups.
We do have a little business we must attend to now. As your current president I have taken it upon myself to get this done.
The nominating committee met and did their thing. To make it official, all you need to do is contact me. Call text or e-mail with your vote. I pledge to keep an accurate talley.
Here is our current slate of officers for the 2020-2021 season.
President- Roberta Jones-Shafer
Secretary- Joan Horwich
Treasurer- Jean Jackson
Newsletter- Nancy Allman
Membership- Victoria Johnson-Parratt
Librarian- Victoria Johnson-Parratt Card Correspondent- Ele Richardson
Webmistress- Victoria ??
Hospitality- Sarah Berg / Elfriede Heaney
Programs- Patty Hridel and Victoria Johnson-Parratt
Since we have no scheduled events at this time, I propose a suspension of dues until we meet again.Victoria seconded the motion, so you can vote on that too.
I want all of you to know that being guild president was a fun learning experience for me. Thanks to all who helped in the last three years. You will see me at meetings for sure, Elfriede
There will be no June meeting. Elfriede wishes everyone a healthy summer and we hope to get together in September. Details for the autumn plans will come out in August.
The nominating committee (Victoria, Lynne and Elfriede) are putting together a slate of officers before then.
Call Elfriede with questions.
May Study Group and May meeting are cancelled.
News of our election slate and June plans are forthcoming.
Dear Weavers,
because we have to stay home (and weave) for a while, some of our planned events are
There will be no study group meeting at Jessie’s house on April the 2nd.
The set up for our show at the Beachwood library on April 3rd is cancelled. The show will not
take place because the library is closed all of April. We do not know at this time when it will be open again.
We are still hoping to do the show in Chagrin Falls in June. We will keep you informed as to events there.
At this time there is no definite news about our meeting and workshop in April. It does not look too good, but Patty will be in touch when she has more information.
I hope you are all in good spirits and healthy. Keep sending pictures and news. Elfriede