No kidding! Please send any articles, quotes, photographs, or reveries to Nancy. Think about sharing your weaving journeys, conundrums, resources, research, workshops and insights with our members. Then, of course, write them up and send them. Photographs, announcements, quotes, and book reviews are all fair game. Think of it as a way to grab a few moments to shake off any remaining winter blues.
December 1st is the newsletter deadline
Please send any articles, quotes, photographs, or reveries to Nancy.
Think about sharing your weaving journeys, conundrums, resources, research, workshops and insights with our members.
Then, of course, write them up and send them. Think of it as a way to grab a few moments away from your holiday preparations.
Fall Newsletter deadline is September 1st
Do you have an intriguing project or show in the works?
Have you browsed through a terrific and inspiring weaving book?
Have you visited an exhibition, museum or fair that our members would enjoy hearing about?
Did you travel in the company of weavers to a conference, workshop or convention?
Or did you find a remarkable new fiber to work with?
Have you met an absolutely talented fiber person recently?
All these and more would make a great item for this Fall’s Newsletter.
Please consider writing something for your weaver compatriots and send them to:
September 1st is the deadline.