non-guild events
Praxis is selling a loom
A Handwoven/ Long thread Podcast
This just came via Handwoven’s newsletter. Might be of interest to you.
May 1 is a big day for Prickles
Lynne found this gem. And our spinners will be the best at guessing the weight of her wool.
Prickles the missing sheep returns home with 7 years of unshorn fleece
Weavers Sale, February 2,8,9
Dear fiber friends, please share this with other weavers and sewers who may be interested. Many thanks. Nancy Curtiss, WRSW;
Thanks to Nancy C and Joan H for getting this to you.
Weaver’s Sale
Address is 740 Cornflower Lane, Madison, OH (41 miles east of Cleveland)
Western Reserve Spinners and Weavers guild member Uarda Taylor passed away on January 1, 2020, and asked that her weaving and sewing stash and equipment be given to her guild.
Members of WRSW (Kirtland, OH) invite you to a special sale this coming Sunday and next weekend.
Items include: Schacht 8 shaft Baby Wolf, Louet Megado 16 shaft dobby, AVL warping reel, various weaving equipment. Fine weaving cottons, Tencel, silks, wools, and novelty yarns. Assorted knitting yarns, pre-wound warps. Sewing Items include a basic Bernina sewing machine and a Singer Featherweight. Small selection of fabrics suitable for clothing and tailoring, including silks, rayons, cotton, and Italian wools. Materials for tailoring, including linings and substructure paddings and supports.
Cash preferred. No early-birds, please
From our WRSW friends
Announcing the WRSW 2020 Spring Weaving workshop – Yer Granny’s Overshot at Lake Metroparks Farmpark. Please see attached flyer. As of 11/1/19 we have only 2 spaces left in this exciting workshop. Please contact WRSW Workshop Chairman Nancy Curtiss for availability. 330.995.3811or . We will also have a wait list.
Now open to non-WRSW members as of November 1!
Yer Granny’s Overshot – with Janet Dawson – March 28 & 29, 2020
This round robin workshop will cover overshot basics like identifying blocks, tromp-as-writ, star vs. rose fashion, and opposites. With that foundation, we’ll move beyond traditional patterns and treadling to variations like Italian, flamepoint, swivel, petit point, shadow, treadled as lace, and more. If time allows, we’ll also look at name drafting and other methods of designing original overshot patterns for four shafts.
The cost of our comprehensive overshot workshop includes pre-wound warps and weft, as well as substantial handouts.
Leslie looks for a roomie for MLH for May 30-June 4
She writes:
Is anyone planning to attend MLH in Holland, MI this year? The conference is May 30-June 4th. I just booked a room at Haworth Inn to avoid all the dorm craziness. Plus it has AC, continental breakfast, parking, etc. The cost per person (two queen beds) is approx the same as the dorms and much nicer! I’m looking for a roommate! Please contact me at (216)299-0676. Registration for MLH begins January 7th.
I will be out of the country Jan 17- 24 so leave a message on my home phone (440)473-2244 and I’ll return it when I get back.
April meeting is Thursday, April 20 and an interesting loom for sale
April 20, Thursday
Mayfield branch of the
Cuyahoga County
Mayfield Heights 44143
Presentation by Hildur Asgeirsdottir Jonsson internationally acclaimed
Icelandic fiber artist.
11:30 am for brown bag lunch
12:30 am for meeting and program
Loom for sale. CWG received this request to post the sale of this loom,
a nearby opportunity for a newish and quality loom.
Mimi, the contact for this sale writes
“Thank you so much for your response. I have attached photos of the loom.
I believe you will agree that it is gorgeous. I understand that it cost
over $1000 when new. The people who are donating it take very good care of things. We will be picking it up on Saturday, April 22nd which is the first day for donations to our Trinkets ‘n Treasures rummage sale. The sale
itself will start on Wednesday night, April 26th from 5:30 to 8:00, $10
admission. The sale continues Thursday and Friday from 11 to 5 and Saturday until 12:30. The sale will take place at The Federated Church Family Life Center, 16349 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023. I am not sure when on the 22nd the loom will arrive at the Family Life Center. It can be viewed there on Sunday, April 23rd from 11 to 4 and on Monday and Tuesday, 9 to 5, and Wednesday from 9 to noon.
We are hoping that it will find a good home. Thank you for your help in
publicizing this opportunity.”
Mimi Bathgate
440-338-8773 (home)
440-665-6903 (cell)
Request for a weaving instructor and an opportunity to show/sell your work
This request arrived from Carol Adams.
For a weaving instructor:
“I’m looking for a weaving instructor for The Peninsula Art Academy. If you could announce it. The person I have right now who wants lessons wants them on Saturdays, but as you go along you can schedule them how you want. Please give out my email” and phone 330-657-2681.
For items for a holiday show and sale:
“I’m also looking for items for our holiday show/sale at the same email and phone.”
Praxis is having a First Annual Holiday Benefit on December 3
Members of CWG might enjoy this event. Our guild supports Praxis with our scholarship program.