Planning for 2017
Visit: EGLFC
Formerly hosted by a single guild, since 2009 Eastern Great Lakes Fiber Conference has been organized by a team of individuals. Relying largely on email and phone to coordinate, each person on the team brings unique skills to tasks like program and event planning, promotion and registration. EGLFC provides ample seed money for the next conference, plus business relationships and records from past events to assist future organizers.
To secure the venue and get great teachers, advance planning for EGLFC 2017 must begin soon. It starts with one or two people who will form their own team from friends and other volunteers. The 2015 team can help by providing referrals, also by meeting with the incoming team to transfer records and answer any questions.
Sound enticing? Talk to your friends about what skills you would like to share, or to build, and how organizing the next EGLFC might fit for you. Feel free to contact me at 716-648-2987 or I look forward to hearing from you.
Peg Houseman, Chair
EGLFC 2015 Committee