CWG Spring workshop has one more spot.
There is one more spot for this Dyeing workshop.
From CWG Program team:
Just a reminder to send in your deposit for the Dyeing workshop in the Spring. (see link below). Enrollment will open to non-members February 1st.
CWG Spring Newsletter has arrived
Find the Spring Newsletter on the CWG website under the Members Tab. Select Newsletter Archive and you are there!
Cuyahoga Spinners announces ‘The Spinnin’ Guru Workshop
Workshop is May 9.
Registration is open and spaces are limited. Contact Elfriede for details.
Patsy Sue Zawistoski
“The Spinnin’Guru”
May 9, 2024 9:00-4:00
Color Options for Hand Spinning Painted Rovings
This class encourages and teaches you how to explore a variety of options and yarn styles with painted rovings.
May 10, 2024 9:00-12:00
Adding That Special Twist
Spinning for Knitting
An exploration of the various properties of yarn and how they can be manipulated when hand spun and used for knitting
Non-Members: $100 + $35 materials fee
For more details contact:
Peace Lutheran Church
3740 Mayfield Rd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44121
CWG March Study Group is Thursday March 7
SPRING newsletter deadline is March 1
Snowdrops have been sighted. The newsletter deadline is now March 1.
Please send newsletter materials, especially items of your, hopefully, cozy doings at the loom. A President’s letter, program notes, upcoming April Workshop details, study group schedule notes and member’s profile will all be welcome.
No doubt that photos of your projects, a new technique or yarn you are trying, or a weaving reference book you have discovered will be welcome. Or even an essay about your weaving adventures, discoveries, or compatriots. Perhaps a quandary that you would like help with.
Anyone up for submitting a Penelope’s Perils episode?
Or sharing your experience from a weaver’s workshop or class?
Contribute directly to Nancy or to
CWG February Meeting is Thursday, February 15 Live and via ZOOM
CWG’s Cleveland Museum of Art and Egytomania field trip–a follow up
Korean Couture: Generations of Revolution 28 April – 12 October 2024
Picasso and Paper December 8, 2024–March 23, 2025 Exhibition Hall and Gallery (on lower level)
CWG December meeting is a field trip–Thursday, December 18 10:00am
Your CWG friends are wondering………..
Perhaps things have been busy in your life? Most likely. And it’s so easy to forget CWG’s dues.
Yet your CWG friends would like to have you stay on as a member.
Can we count on you to send in this year’s dues?
Won’t you please send your dues to Patty or bring them to next week’s Program at the art museum?