Weaving and Spinning Auction
Wednesday, April 20, 2016; 9 a.m. – ?
Preview Tuesday, 3 -? (details tbd) and Wednesday 8 am.
Appletree Auction Center
1625 W. Church St., Newark, OH 43055 Equipment, supplies and finished pieces from a long-time weaver and spinner will be part of a large household auction. In addition to the following photos, there are 100+ books on weaving, spinning, dyeing, etc.
RUG LOOM (2 shafts, 2 treadles, string heddles) – all pieces seem to be available but are not in the photos. No brand name could be found.
SMALL FLOOR LOOM – Folk art painted. 4 shafts, 6 treadles. Loom is completely unassembled. All pieces seem to be available. INKLE LOOM TWO WHEELS & NIDDY NODDY WHEELS
WARPING BOARD SUPPLIES: Boat Shuttles, Rug and Stick Shuttles, Pickup Sticks, a few metal heddles, threads, so much more.
•YARN. Some is in decent shape.
•More finished pieces
•BOOKS! 100+ Topics: weaving, spinning, dyeing, other fiber arts
Ask Nancy about photographs for these items.
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