One thing we aren’t doing is meeting as weavers.
And we may not meet for some time more, it seems. Our workshop that was scheduled for next week (April 23-24, 2020) has been cancelled for many understandable reasons. Of concern was Sara Bixler’s decision herself. She also indicated she would not be able to do anything digitally or long distance because she is midst “putting out fires and helping Tom with videos.” She would be excited to reschedule either this fall or next year if our schedules coincide. I will have Jean send out refunds to participants.
We are cancelling our Study Group meeting for May 7th at Jessie’s house. Many deeply felt gratitudes to Jessie for being the beautiful hostess for our study group. We will not have a gathering during which we can discuss our topic for our next year’s study group. That leaves us this forum (email) or to wait until next October our first of the season meeting to choose a topic. Ideas anyone? And which would you like to do?
Regarding shows and exhibits, as previously announced, the Show at the Beachwood library has been cancelled. Amiee at the Library has slated us for next April, 2021 to have the space for our show.
And now I must announce that the show at the Went Gallery in Chagrin Falls will not take place. The Gallery is closed with no insight as to when they will open and the Valley Art Center has cancelled the Art by the Falls that has been scheduled for the same time in early June. Again, Chagrin Arts would LOVE for us to schedule an exhibit at their Gallery. Their schedule is open for the Fall although the Holiday season is booked. The Holidays would perhaps be a good sales time.
Although I have not heard from everyone I asked, we still have the May 21st and June 18th Guild meetings to consider. Unless we hear differently, we could cancel the May meeting and look joyfully forward to the June meeting. We desperately need this gathering time to address business, schedules and programs for next year. Let alone, we don’t want to let this Guild and our friendships fall into the cracks. Please email us with your thoughts on these two meetings!
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