Patty reminds us that Lake Farmpark’s annual Woolfest event is coming up soon. Will you be there?
Ply-splitting workshop with Debbie Swan, Thursday, May 16th
Join us on Thursday, May 16th, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, for a day of ply-splitting with Debbie Swan.
Have you seen the adorable little baskets Debbie Swan has been whipping up? Debbie has been working through Linda Hendrickson‘s book on ply-spliting, and she has made some adorable little baskets. Debbie has agreed to share what she’s figured out with the guidance and blessing of Linda. Projects are provided and include instructions for one sweet little basket, cord to work with, and the nifty little tool required to make it all intertwine.
We’ll meet early (9:00 am, sharp!) and stay late in our regular meeting space (Church of the Savior, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH), and the addition of so many of us with sharp tools might keep the business meeting in between short and well behaved. Sign up now for a fun day with Debbie!
$45 covers it all for members and non-members alike, materials included. Send check to Jean Jackson to hold your space (address will be given upon registration).
Warp-It! Paint-It! Weave-It! with Kathie Roig and the Western Reserve guild
Kathie Roig is teaching her Warp-it! Paint-it! Weave-it! workshop in NE Ohio this May 3rd to 5th, 2013, at the Bond Building in Burton, OH. As of Saturday, there is one opening left for the workshop. If anyone is interested, please click here to find out more. Thank you to our neighbor guild for sharing this opportunity with us.
Show take down and return of work
To all the wonderful contributors to the show at the Lee Road Library, please meet Patty at the library on Wednesday, April 10th, at 10:00 am to pick up your items that were in the show. If that is inconvenient, Patty will take the balance of items not claimed to the regular meeting on April 18th during the mud painting workshop. You can also contact Patty for special arrangements.
Thank you everyone for participating.
Bogolonfini (mud painting) workshop with Judy Dominic
This April, the Cuyahoga Weavers Guild will host a 2-day workshop with Judy Dominic.
Workshop title: Bogolonfini (mud painting)
Description: Bogolonfini is the traditional method of recording and passing on the important village stories in Mali Africa. During this workshop we will create our own story designs using local mud on cotton and other natural fiber cloth. Gain an appreciation of the Mali culture while we have some local fun!
Date/time: April 18th and 19th, 2013, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Location: 2537 Lee Rd, Church of the Savior, Cleveland Heights, OH
Experience level: No experience necessary.
Materials and instructions:
Students will need to bring to class:
- White (or natural color) CLOTH (pre-washed, no softener added – ideal if washed several times or scoured as for dyeing – including PFD cloth) must be 100% natural fibers (cotton or linen or hemp or silk – or any combination of those materials –wool is okay, just not my favorite) – muslin needs to be thoroughly scoured (I tend to have trouble with muslin), shirt of any kind, new or used (100% cotton, etc.) knit or woven yardage or pre-made items: suitable for a wrap skirt or caftan or placemats or pillowcases or table cloth or curtains or… [The more days of workshop, the more cloth that can be used]
- Small container or two of local dirt/mud/clay (interesting colors?!)
- Several paint brushes you don’t mind destroying (hardware and/or craft store variety) good ones to have: stiff bristle, fine tip, wide flat – instructor will have a supply for use if you don’t have any; sponge brushes are not recommended
- 2-20 disposable cups (9 oz. clear plastic is good) or yogurt cups w/ lids
- Spoons or stirring rods for mixing mud
- Masking tape, any width or several widths
- 2-3 rolls paper towels
- 2-3 days worth of newspapers and / or cardboard to put between layers of cloth
- Apron
- Optional: mortar/pestle; watercolor paper, sketch/watercolor paper, pencil; straightedge; stencils; scissors; stamps and flat dish to fit stamps; mordant suitable for your cloth; plastic containers (e.g. butter tubs with lids) and/or baggies for sharing/storing of extra muds/dirts; music to share (CDs)
Instructor will bring: handouts, 2-5 different cleaned muds and pigments, soy milk, retention agent, soda ash, vinegar, various tannins, practice cloths (cotton and silk), brushes, clothes line and pins, books, African music, samples, examples, second hand clothing available for class use/purchase, energy, ideas, etc.
Registration: Please complete the form below.
Fee: 2-day workshop $85 (same price for both members and non-members), material fee of $10 payable to the instructor. Send $50 deposit, checks made payable to Cuyahoga Weavers Guild. Mailing address for checks will be emailed to you after submission of the online registration form.
Questions? Contact Victoria Johnson-Parratt at
Special events in conjunction with library show
Our biennial show is now on display at the main branch of the Cleveland Heights-University Heights Library, 2345 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, until April 10th. Please contact the library for open hours.
This year we are proud to present the third place winner of the Project Tunic competition at the Cleveland Museum of Art as part of our show. Cleveland Heights resident and guild member Victoria Johnson-Parratt won third place in the January competition for her little black dress for which she made shoulder straps, a belt and earrings with 21,215 Delica beads. Her dress has been on display at the Cleveland Museum of Art prior to moving to our show. (Victoria’s work may also be seen here.)
Please join us for the following special events:
Sunday, March 3, 2013, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
A reception with demonstrations, refreshments, opportunities to talk with weavers, use a loom, weave on a project being made especially for the library use with children during story times and much more. Bring your friends and family and, if you like, a plate of cookies to share.
Sunday, March 10, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Family Fun Fiber Day: Come join weavers making rag rugs for children to use in the library. Make a weaving to take home. See how this wonderful loom works. See spinners spin yarn, too.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 6:30 pm weavers meeting, 7:00 pm lecture
At 6:30, the Guild will have an open meeting with discussions about guild projects and information about the Cuyahoga Weavers Guild. At 7:00 pm, there will be a lecture presentation by Patty Hridel on historical perspectives of weaving. How did weaving help spark the American Revolution? How steam power changed the weaving trades first. When was the first weaving? Intriguing questions, fun and entertaining answers.
April 3, 2013, time TBD
Children’s hour. Come be a part of a weaving. How does that work? You can be a shuttle or a warp. What in the world is that? Come find out. Contact the library for location and times.
Library show entries due 2/15
If you haven’t yet gotten your contributions to this year’s library show to Patty, please do so by Friday, February 15th. Entries can be given to Patty or Victoria, so contact them to make arrangements for drop off.
Please also complete the online submission form so we have all the information we need to create the tags that will accompany each item in the case. You will need to complete the form one time for each item you contribute to the show, so if you submit two items, you’ll need to complete the form twice.
Thanks to your participation and Patty’s display skills, we’re looking forward to a beautiful show. Items will be on display at the main branch of the Cleveland Heights-University Heights library, 2345 Lee Road, beginning February 25th.
Check out our new For Sale page
Guess what? You can now list your loom for sale on our site by submitting the information about what you are selling as a comment on our For Sale page.
Please note: If you want to get notifications about looms that are for sale, you’ll need to subscribe to the comments for that page (your current subscription to this site will not include these updates). Please click here to subscribe to get emails about looms that are listed for sale on our site. If you do not subscribe, you will not get email notices about future listings, so take the time to sign up now.
Two listings are already available so go check them out.
December potluck location changed
The location of the December potluck has been changed!
Rose Rubin has graciously invited us to host us in her new home.
We’ll eat in the party room down the hall and have a chance to visit and see her new apartment.
Please join us Thursday, December 20th, at 11:30 am.
November tour of Wari exhibit at CMA
On November 15th, Cuyahoga Weavers Guild takes a field trip to the Cleveland Museum of Art to have a docented tour of the new exhibit, Wari: Warriors of the Andes.
We’ll meet in the CMA lobby at 10:45 am. The tour starts promptly at 11:00 am and should last till about 1:00 pm.
We’ll have lunch at the museum following tour.
Carpools leaving from Church of the Savior will meet at 10:00 am in north parking lot.
Please call Victoria to let us know to expect you if you plan to attend.