September and October minutes have been posted. Members can log in to see them here. The home study group schedule has also been posted for members.
Not a member and want to get the inside scoop? Information about joining is here.
Weaving and other fiber-based fun for 45 years and counting
Be sure your calendar is marked for this week’s guild meeting, Thursday, October 18th, which starts with a brown bag lunch at 11:30 am at the Church of the Savior, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Meeting follows at 12:30 pm, and then Carol James will be giving a talk on sprang, finger weaving and other primitive non-loom techniques of North America.
If you are participating in the sprang workshop, remember that it starts at 9:00 am on Thursday and Friday at Church of the Savior.
See you there!
This year’s theme for the home study group is inspired by nature. The first meeting is Thursday, October 4th at 9:30 am at the home of Parlin M. Sign up sheets for hosting meetings and presenting projects for the rest of the year will be passed around, and Debbie S. will present her already completed home study project.
The first meeting of the year will be Thursday, September 20th at 12:30 pm. Brown bag lunch is at 11:30 at the Church of the Savior, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Please bring your membership form and dues. Program registration forms and dues would be welcome as well. You can also register online for the sprang workshop with Carol James.
Please call the church at 216-751-2320 for hours to visit.
The show is open now through October 5th.
A pat on Patty’s back is in order. Thank you, Patty, for all your work getting this show together.
Here’s the latest news from the Cleveland Museum of Art. The weavers that have been planned as demonstrators for the Wari exhibit are having visa trouble.
The bad news is: we might not get to see any Peruvian weavers.
The good news is: they’ve asked us take their places as demonstrators in the fabulous new atrium.
CMA is looking for fiber folk of the more local variety to fascinate their patrons. They have requested spinners with drop spindles or wheels and weavers, from backstrap to floor loom, for their exhibit opening October 28th from 11 am to 4 pm.
Anyone interested? If so, contact Victoria to sign up. And please spread the word.
The Butler County Spinners and Weavers Guild is celebrating 30 years of fiber arts by sponsoring a lunch and two lectures by Rabbit Goody, proprietor of Thistle Hill Weavers. They will also be displaying their recent works in Stewart Hall during the event. If you fancy a little road trip, check it out, and be sure to let us know how it was in the comments below.
Jan Gibson, past president of Art Essence Gallery and member of the Western Reserve Spinners and Weavers Guild, will be giving a talk at Lake Metroparks‘ Environmental Learning Center, 7250 Alexander Road, Concord Township, OH 44077 on September 19th, 2012, in the Eco Café at 7 pm.
Jan will lead a discussion on felting, one of the world’s oldest textile-making techniques. She will discuss the process from sheep to felt, including shearing, washing, carding and coloring. Jan will also have samples of many felted items available to show.
An entertaining documentary, On Gentle Threads, by Hungarian artist Judit Pocs that tells the story of felt making from utilitarian use to art form, will also be shown. The film is rumored to be educational, delightful and engaging (so we hear from our neighboring guild).
This program is free and open to the public. Refreshments are served and registration is required. Call 440-354-0894 to register.
Learn the ancient fiber technique of sprang from Carol James. Expert in North American fingerweaving, the author of Sprang Unsprung will teach us how a stretchy, netting-like fabric was created back in the very, very old days.
When: Thursday and Friday, October 18th and 19th, 2012, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Where: Church of the Savior, 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Fee: $100 for members, $125 for non-members. Full amount required to hold your spot by 9/21/12. Mailing address for your check (with “Sprang workshop” in memo field) will be provided after you register.
Materials fee: $30, payable with registration fee
Materials: Pre-warped Sprang looms will be provided as part of the materials fee. Please bring smooth slippery yarns for a second project (tightly twisted worsted is traditionally used) and one or two pair of lightweight knitting needles, size 3 – 10 (4″ to 10″ long).
Experience/skill level: Beginner workshop, no previous experience required.
Questions? Please contact Victoria Johnson-Parratt by phone at 216-321-6016 or by email: victoriaparratt AT sbcglobal DOT net (replacing AT and DOT with the appropriate characters)
Please complete this form to register:
This loom is still for sale!
60-inch LeClerc Colonial jack loom, 8 shafts, 10 treadles, with bench. Excellent condition. $1900. Location: Cleveland, OH. Click for print friendly page.
Contact Nora Eason at 440-543-7058 or