Programs for January and February. Back to ZOOM
CWG meeting is Thursday, November 18
November 18, 2021
11:30 am Bag lunch social
12:00 noon Meeting
1:00 pm Program
Warrensville County Library
4415 Northfield Rd, Warrensville Heights, OH 44128
The program will be on Tapestry.
CWG October meeting is a field trip
October 21, 2021
10:00 am
Meet at the lobby of the Art Museum for a docent led tour of the Mola Textiles on display. Our own Laura Martin has generously agreed to be our docent.
Those who plan to participate in Study Group will find their inspiration in the museum’s collection.
A location change for November meeting
Our November meeting will now be at Warrensville library.
Cuyahoga County Library Warrensville Branch.
4415 Northfield Road
Warrensville Heights, Ohio 44128
Phone 216.464.5280
October 7 is the first Study Group. September meeting minutes are posted.
Study group meets at Patty’s home on Thursday, October 7 at 10:00 am. Patty may enjoy a RSVP.
We will confirm our topic for Study Group for 2021-2022. We discussed in a Zoom meeting last spring to take inspiration from our own Cleveland Museum of Art and interpret it into a weaving project. There would be a lot of freedom in structure, yarn and item woven.
We also want to discuss our meeting place or places.
September Meeting Minutes are found on the website under the Members tab.
September meeting is Thursday, September 9 and SOONER than usual
Our first meeting is advanced this year due to Yom Kippur being on the 16th.
So please join us on September 9, 2021
11:30 am Gathering at the Pavilion in
Osborne Park
38575 Lakeshore Blvd.
Willoughby, OH 44094
This is the charming pavilion where we last met in June. Bring your brown bag lunch, a beverage and anything you have to Show and Tell. We do have some business to attend to regarding the sale at the end of September and a proposal for and vote on a new treasurer for the guild as well as confirmation of our meeting space.
Bring any new things to the Sept. meeting. Our September 9 meeting will be at Osborne Park again. Please ask the heavens for good weather. B.Y.O. lunch ands drinks. Contact Bobbie for directions.
CWG June meeting, potluck picnic and yearly wrap up is Thursday, June 17
Take your usual route to get to Rt.2
For most of us that would be either Som Center Rd. or I-271 to the Euclid spur coming from the west, or Rt 306 or Rt 44 from the east. From the west go east on Rt.2 and from the east go to the west on Rt.2.
Get off at Exit 213 Lost Nation Road and turn to the right (North)
If you get lost call me at 440-954-2866.
May Business Meeting and Program is Thursday, May 20
Join us via Zoom at 11:30 for a visit and your lunch. Be on the look out for an emaildodo for Zoom information soon.
Meeting is at 12:00 with elections.
Program starts at 12:30 or following the meeting’s conclusion.
Election slate is:
President: Bobbie Shafter
Treasurer: Jean Jackson
Secretary: Joan Horwitz
Program: Bobbi Shafer
Other committee and positions will be shared.
Program will be a video about Brocade Weaving in Germany. This was reviewed by Elfriede, who says that even though it is in German, it is still is quite enjoyable and informative.
Any German speakers out there? The video is about 30 minutes long.
February Zoom meeting is Thursday, February 18…and a hint
Join us for a presentation by member Laura Martin. As a Cleveland Museum of Art docent, she has prepared a talk.
Zoom details will be emailed via emailldodo–the evening before or morning of Feb 18
11:30 am Chat.
12 noon Meeting.
Presentation by Laura Martin following meeting.
March 1 will be here sooner than you think. That means a Newsletter deadline approaches.