Here is the newsletter. Click on either the Photo or non-Photo version.
5,4,3,2,1……….CWG newsletter deadline is December 1
Saturday, December 1 is the approaching deadline for the winter issue of our newsletter.
It will be great to collect articles from membership, library, programs, schedule, study group, and member news. Please take a moment from your Thanksgiving festivities and prepare an article, photos, reveries, samples of your projects. We know the membership appreciates a lively newsletter.
Best wishes for this holiday, with all its trimmings.
Submit via
5,4,3,2,1……….CWG newsletter deadline is March 15
Thursday, March 15 is the approaching deadline for the spring issue of our newsletter. It will be great to collect articles from membership, library, programs, schedule, study group, and member news. Please take a moment from your winter weary life and prepare an article, photos, reveries, samples of your projects. We know the membership appreciates a lively newsletter.
Submit via newsletter@cuyahogaweaversguild. com
Winter Newsletter is Now Available
The 2017 December Newsletter is now available here.
You will need to log to access it.
Cuyahoga Weavers Guild Fall Newsletter is here
The Fall newsletter with the autumn programs, news and photos are ready for you.
One with photos: 2017 Fall Newsletter with Photos
One without photos: 2017 Fall Newsletter without Photos
Newsletter deadline is Friday, September 1
Just so you don’t lose your thoughts of fall’s approach,while summer is still full on, a reminder comes. CWG hopes you still can consider submitting items for the Fall newlsletter.
It’s time to gather some thoughts and reveries for your weaving friends. Please jot down your ideas, thoughts and announcements for the guild.
Please send your news, events, programs, weaving travelogs, photos, reveries, and all manner of materials for the guild’s winter newsletter. News and announcements from other guilds and fiber organizations are also welcome.
Submit them via
Cuyahoga Weavers Guild Spring Newsletter is here
The Spring newsletter with spring programs, news and photos are ready for you.
One with photos:
spring Newsletter 2016-2017FINAL w: photos
One without photos
spring Newsletter 2016-2017FINAL no photos
Newsletter deadline is Thursday, March 9
March has come in as both lamb and lion. So the weather’s ups and downs may scramble your mental space. But CWG hopes you still can consider submitting items for the Spring newlsletter.
It’s time to gather some thoughts and reveries for your weaving friends. Please jot down your ideas, thoughts and announcements for the guild.
Please send your news, events, programs, weaving travelogs, photos, reveries, and all manner of materials for the guild’s winter newsletter. News and announcements from other guilds and fiber organizations are also welcome.
Submit them via
And a shameless plug comes : As a reminder to continue preparing your works for our spring/summer show. Intake is imminent!
Addendum to the newsletter and a reminder
The guild hopes that your holidays will allow you some time at the loom in preparation for February’s show take in on January 19.
Cuyahoga Weavers Guild Winter Newsletter is here
The Winter newsletter with winter programs, news and photos are ready for you.
One with photos:
One without photos